
Progress To Date

The following works of Richard Rufus are available as published or provisional editions. Those with links are available online. The Redactio longior of In DAn is password-protected and available only to contributors, with limited exceptions.


In Aristot. Analytica posteriora. (APos): ca. 1232–34.


Sententia cum quaestionibus in libros De anima (In DAn.): ca. 1236–37. (Provisional edition available.)
Redactio longior (password protected), liber RL 1, RL 2, RL 3
Redactio brevior, liber RB 1, RB 2, RB 3

Divisio textus (expandable view, expanded view)



In Aristot. De generatione et corruptione (In DGen): ca. 1232-36.


In Aristot. Physicam. (In Phys.): ca. 1232-35


Memoriale quaestionum in Metaphysicam Aristotelis. (MMet): ca. 1231-35.


Scriptum in Metaphysicam Aristot. (SMet): ca. 1237-38
Redactio longior, liber 3 (lectiones 1–8)
Redactio brevior, liber 1, liber 3, liber 4, liber 5, liber 6 , liber 7, liber 8, liber 9, liber 10, liber 11


Speculum Animae (SAn): 1245